Community Resources
While Sorrel Leaf builds our facility and we develop our holistic program for young people experiencing mental health crises, we recognize that the need is very real now for our community's young people and families. We offer this list of resources, developed by one of our Mobile Crisis Mental Health Specialists, Ashley Peltier.
Community Resource Page
LIFELINE: 1-800-273-8255 (TALK)
Youth Crisis 24/7 Hotline: 1-800-843-5200
Crisis Text Line: 741-741 Text 24 hours, 7 days a week crisistextline.org
Humboldt County Mental Health Crisis Hotline: 707-445-7715 Toll free: 1-888-849-5728
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386 or text: START to 678-678
Humboldt County Children & Family Services Behavioral Health Office (Outpatient): (707) 268-2800
Adolescent Treatment Program: (707) 441-3772
Medi-Cal: 877-410-8809
North Coast Rape Crisis Team:
Humboldt: (707) 445-2881
Del Norte: (707) 465-2851
The Raven Project: (707) 443-7099
Youth Services Bureau (YSB):
Crisis Line: (707) 433-CARE (2273)
HOME | youth-service-bureau (hoovenm.wixsite.com)
Long-Term Therapy Counseling Resources
Children & Family Behavioral Health Services: 707-268-2800 to arrange for long-term therapeutic services for a student or family (MediCal, Partnership, Beacon)
Humboldt NeuroHealth: 707-296-9295 Our Team | Humboldtneurohealth
2313 I street (MediCal, Beacon, Partnership, private pay)
North American Mental Health Services: 707-296-7660 800 W Harris St Suite 33
(MediCal, Beacon, Partnership, private pay)
Psychology Today.com: Search area and by insurance source (Most insurances, private pay)
Find Therapists and Psychologists in Humboldt - Psychology Today
NCAMHP.com-North Coast Association of Mental HealthProfessionals: Local directory of available therapists, can be searched by insurance. (Most Insurance, Private Pay)
Member Health Directory - NCAMHP
Humboldt Family Service Center: (707) 443-7358
1802 California St. (Private pay, Sliding scale)
Member Health Directory - NCAMHP
Humboldt Family Service Center – Community Support through Counseling Services
Open Door Community Health -Behavioral Health (Some insurances), If you are an established patient, ask about Behavioral Health Services at the center where you receive care.
For Native Youth and Families
Two Feathers Family Services- Behavioral health-707-839-1933
www.twofeathers-nafs.org (click on contact us and fill out a contact card)
Two Feathers Crisis Line: 707-382-0629
United Indian Health Services--Behavioral Health: 707-825-5060
Marshall Family Resource Center: 707-441-2404
Eureka City Schools-behind the district office.
Jefferson Community Center: 707-497-6280
1000 B street, Eureka
TAY-Transitional Age Youth Division-drop in space for youth 16-26:
433 M Street, Eureka
Planned Parenthood--707-442-5700, 3225 Timber Fall Court, Eureka
Food for People -707-445-3166
RAVEN project-523 T street Eureka, 707-443-7099